
Hej Cyklist!

Hej Cyklist!

Bike counter

Sept. 1, 2011

Queen Louise’s bridge in central Copenhagen has a pillar that counts passing cyclists.

The Danish says: Hey cyclist! You are number 2,302 today and number 2,151,661 this year to bike past here. Have a good trip and thank you for biking in the city!

Given the yearly total, an average of 11,022 bikes cross each day, but I took this photo on a cold and rainy day when there were fewer bikers out than normal.

The pillar bears a logo for the city’s “I bike Copenhagen” initiative — a variation on Milton Glaser’s classic INY:

I Bike CPH
Bike counter


In 2018, I returned to Copenhagen and saw what seven years had done to the pillar. I discussed this comparison in the talk Design for an Audience.

Bike counter