
An Education for Information Design, c. 1992

An Education for Information Design, c. 1992

Nov. 20, 2012

Going through old files recently, I found a handout from Edward Tufte’s course in Statistical Graphics, which I took in 1994.

The single-page sheet lists recommended books, videos and courses for graphic design students:

An Education for Information Design, c. 1992

A date stamp shows the list was updated 20 years ago this month, in November 1992. The handwriting is mine, and notes Yale library call numbers.

I owned no computer at the time, and carried an external drive (the beautiful LaCie Tsunami 100 MB) to different computer labs to work on my final project.

Apart from Tufte’s first two books, which I’d read before, the most influential books on this list were The Design of Everyday Things and the two Feynman books.

I still try to read the last chapter of The Elements of Style every year, but never finished Cartographic Relief Presentation.